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In 2007 a group of OCCT participants marched in the Macy's Holiday Parade. This parade was a great way to get our organization in front of people who may have otherwise not heard of our program. OCCT annualy marched in the Macy's Holiday parade for ten years until it was discontinued in 2017. 

In 2022 we created the OCCT traveling troupe who travel

and perform in the local

parades and festivals!

event history

2022       05-21    Teddy Bear Parade

                07-04    Canby Independence Day Parade
                     07-16    Ol' Time Fair Parade
                     07-16    Sherwood Robin Hood Festival
07-26    Gladstone Senior Center

                08-06    Gladstone Community Festival & Parade

                08-16    Canby Kiwanis Kiddie Capers Parade

                08-16    Clackamas County Fair

                08-18    River Terrace Memory Care
08-31    Gilman Park Assisted Living

                09-01    Canby Nite Out

                12-02    Canby "Light Up the Night" Parade

                Awards: West Linn: #1 Children's entry, #2 Out of Town Group, "Queen's Trophy"
 #2 Performance Group

2018      Teddy Bear Parade

2017      Teddy Bear Parade
               Saturday Breakfast Meet & Greet
               Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre
Beavercreek Community Christmas Dinner

2016      BCT Backyard Bash
               BCT Holiday Bazar
Macy's Holiday Parade

2015      Teddy Bear Parade
               Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre
               OC Main Street Trick-or-Treat Flash Mob
               BCT Holiday Bazar
               Macy's Holiday Parade

2014      West Linn Ol' Time Fair Parade
               Macy's Holiday Parade

2013      Teddy Bear Parade
               BCT Backyard Bash            
               Macy's Holiday Parade

               Macy's Holiday Parade News Cast    

2012      Teddy Bear Parade

               BCT Backyard Bash

               Chautauqua Parade
               Macy's Holiday Parade


2011      BCT Backyard Bash

               Chautauqua Parade
               Macy's Holiday Parade

2010      BCT Backyard Bash

               Portland Marathon
               Chautauqua Parade
               Out N' About with Drew Carney News Cast
               Macy's Holiday Parade

2009      Teddy Bear Parade
BCT Backyard Bash

               Portland Marathon
               Chautauqua Parade
               Out N' Aout with Drew Carney News Cast
               AZ National Youth Theatre Awards
               Macy's Holiday Parade

2008      Teddy Bear Parade
BCT Backyard Bash

               Chautauqua Parade
               Macy's Holiday Parade

2007      BCT Backyard Bash               
               Chautauqua Parade
               Macy's Holiday Parade

               Awards: Gladstone: Mayor's Choice Award


Doors open at 1:00pm for matinees and 7:00pm for evening shows
Tickets to any given performance will be available online until sold out. Tickets will be available for purchase at the door if it doesn't sell out in advance. If a performance is marked "SOLD OUT" we do not have any additional tickets to sell for that performance. 

Parking/ Handicap Seating

We have limited handicap parking, please consider carpooling to conserve space! Handicap seating is available upon request, please leave a note during checkout or give us a call! 

Discounts/ Policies

We do not currently offer any discounts for: children, students or seniors.

All sales are final. No refunds or exchanges. 


Both liquid and solid concessions will be available for purchase before the show and during intermission!

Auditions/ Casting Method:

The majority of OCCT production casting is done with a "cast all" policy. All interested participants must pre-register online to participate. On the posted date and time of auditions all those registered will come forward and have an opportunity to audition for the show.

  • Casting Deferral: If by the end of a production's audition none of the registered participants are deemed able to play a particular role, for whatever artistic reason, the role may be offered to an individual who was not previously registered for that show.

  • Pre-cast Roles: In the rare circumstance that a role is offered to an individual and accepted prior to the posted audition date and time it will be made known that role is no longer available by the time registration opens to the public. 

  • Precast Productions: Since 2009 we have produced 3+ pre-cast productions comprised of either all teenagers, adults or a mixture of the two. The shows we select as "pre-cast" productions classically have small cast sizes ranging from 2-10. These shows are advertised in our season announcement as "pre-cast" and by invitation only. The performers involved are ones from current/ previous OCCT productions OR other known performers in the area. 


Building Protocol:

OCCT has been granted use of the Beavercreek Grange for all rehearsals, performances and camps, unless otherwise noted. ALL grounds, buildings and equipment in and around any location OCCT has access to will remain undisturbed.

  • Vandalism: Anyone witnessing any form of vandalism shall report to an OCCT staff member immediately! All reports shall remain confidential. 

  • Leaving the building: All participants are expected to remain on the property at all times (this includes going to the Beavercreek store) without being accompanied by a member of their own family 18 years or older

  • Saturday Lunch Break: Cast and/ or crew members, regardless of age, are not to leave the premise during the lunch break. Lunches should be delivered by another individual or brought from home. 


Code of Conduct:

As of January 2022, OCCT has created a "Code of Conduct" contract that all OCCT participants and their legal guardians will sign during their admittance to any OCCT productions, camps or other activities. This contract is designed to keep all participants safe, accountable and on task for both their actions as a person and a performer/ crew member while on the OCCT premises. 

  • PDA: Any Public Display of Affection between OCCT participants under the age of 18 is strictly prohibited. Individuals, of age, on the premises will be reminded to keep their actions of affection PG.


  • Behavior Protocol: Should an individual witness any inappropriate, disrespectful, harmful, dangerous or otherwise concerning behaviors, whether it involves one individual or an exchange between multiple individuals, they should report the behavior and/ or incident to the nearest OCCT staff member immediately. Should an incident within the described parameters occur the following steps will be taken.

    • Physical Harm/ Bullying/ Intimidation: Behaviors involving physical harm, bullying, intimidate or any combination of the three will be handled as such:

    1. First Offense: The parents/ guardians of all involved participants will be contacted by phone to relay the incident when one has been witnessed or reported to an OCCT staff member. Involved participants and their parents/ guardians will be required to discuss the behavior(s) and the proposed resolution(s) as a group, with an OCCT staff member present, THAT DAY directly following the completion of the current OCCT activity. With the objective to resolve the incident and the expectation that all parties involved must validate and acknowledge the behavior(s) and concerns of discussion. 

    2. Second Offense: The individual exhibiting these behaviors will loose their self-management privileges, when not under immediate adult supervision, for the remainder of that OCCT activity, including but not limited to: dressing room privileges, having an adult by their side at all times, having to be separated from their peers and possible expulsion from the activity all together, pending a meeting and decision from the OCCT board of representatives. The individuals participation in future OCCT activities will have to be pre-approved by the board. 

    • Other Behaviors: Behaviors that are deemed inappropriate, disrespectful, dangerous or otherwise concerning will be handled as such: 

  1. First Offense: The individual(s) exhibiting the inappropriate, disrespectful, harmful, dangerous (or otherwise concerning) behavior will be pulled aside and given a verbal warning. The incident will also be reported to the individuals parents/guardians by phone following the incident.

  2. Second Offense: The parents/ guardians will be called and required to meet with an OCCT staff member and their participant(s) to discuss the behavior(s) and the proposed resolution(s) as a group, THAT DAY directly following the completion of the current OCCT activity. 

  3. Third Offense: The individual(s) exhibiting these behaviors will loose their self-management privileges, when not under immediate adult supervision, for the remainder of that OCCT activity, including but not limited to: dressing room privileges, having an adult by their side at all times, having to be separated from their peers and possible expulsion from the activity all together, pending a meeting and decision from the OCCT board of representatives. The individuals participation in future OCCT activities will have to be pre-approved by the board. 



Group gatherings during times of COVID19 come with an inerrant risk of exposure. Although due diligence is a fair expectation we can not guarantee any individuals potential exposure or contraction of the COVID19 virus or any of it's variants. The following protocols are required of all participants, volunteers, visitors, staff and audience members: 

  • Face Coverings: All OCCT shows and activities starting May, 2022 masks will be optional complying with the lifted mask mandate in the state of Oregon. However, OCCT reserves the right to re-mandate masks (covering both the nose and mouth) within our premises at any time.

    • Individuals who aren't comfortable complying with the possible reinstation of masks are advised not participate in or attend OCCT activities for the foreseeable future. 
    • In the event of mask reinstation performer's will wear a "clear mask pro" for rehearsals and performances, unless otherwise advertised. 
  • Vaccination: Although vaccination is not a requirement for participation, the disclosure of vaccination status is mandatory of all OCCT participants and individuals working on the property either as a volunteer or parent/ guardian fulfilling volunteer requirements. 

  • Exposures: It is the expectation of OCCT that all participants, volunteers, visitors, staff and/ or audience members will report any known exposure and/ or positive test result the day of learned exposure and/ or positive test result. OCCT will follow the CDC recommendations, at the time of exposure/ test result occurrence, to determine the safety of continued participation within the OCCT activity. 


Damaged/ Lost OCCT Property Protocol: 
In the event an OCCT participant or parent/ guardian volunteer should loose, misplace, break or damage any borrowed items belonging to OCCT such as, but not limited to: makeup tools, hair tools, costume pieces, electronic equipment, microphones etc. That family will be financially responsible for replacing the item(s) that were lost or damaged. Should a family fail to meet this requirement the owed amount will be added to their next registration fees, should they opt to participate again. 


Drop Off/ Pick Up Protocol:
Our drop off and pick up protocol for both camps and productions are as follows.

  • Camps:  Click Here

  • Main Stage Productions: All participants must be accompanied in and out of the building by a parent/ guardian to check them in and out. With initial parental approval, participants 11+ years old are allowed to sign themselves in and out without an adult at the checkout table, HOWEVER their ride must be present and visible to an OCCT staff member before they will be allowed to leave the building. 

    • Siblings: Parent/ Guardians of 11+ year old participants can approve their participant of "self transportation" age to sign in/ out for their younger siblings as well under the same condition that their ride must be present and visible to an OCCT staff member before they will be allowed to leave the building. 



Liability Release:
OCCT is a nonprofit organization here for the benefit of the community. All participants, adult or minor, understand that although every care will be taken to avoid and prevent injuries and/ or an accident, if it should occur, Oregon City Children's Theatre is not held liable or accountable financially or otherwise. 


Lost + Found Protocol:
All "lost" items collected during any OCCT activity and/ or event will be kept in a container clearly marked "Lost and Found" for the duration of that event. Unclaimed items will be held for 30 days following the completion of said activity before they are donated, thrown our or kept at OCCT's discretion. 




Media Release:
Any photos and/ or videos taken of OCCT participants, staff, volunteers, visitors or audience members may be used for publicity purposes at our discretion. Online media includes, but is not limited to: Facebook, Flickr, Youtube, TikTok, Instagram and our website.


Refund Policies:
Our refund policies for all OCCT events and activities are as follows.

  • Tickets: OCCT does not offer refunds or exchange unless the event is cancelled. 

  • Classes: Participants are eligible for a 50% refund (minus a $40 processing fee) if they withdraw from the class, at least, seven working days (Monday-Friday) prior to the first class. Participants must contact OCCE prior to the stated deadline to receive the refund offer. Most refunds are issued as a credit to the credit card on file or mailed. The refund process may take up to two weeks. Refund requests following the deadline stated above will not be accepted. 


  • Camps:  

    • All sales are final

    • Full refunds minus a $30 processing fee is available situationally if a child on the waiting list is able to take their place, prior to the camps start date. 

    • Under the condition a child is unable to attend or complete camp due to a medical condition and/ or emergency, a doctor's note is required within 48 hours for a pro-rated refund, minus a $30 processing fee. Requests received after camp has concluded will not be granted. 

    • There are no refunds for missed days due to changed work or vacation schedules, sick days or other non-emergency reasons.​​

  • Main-Stage Productions: We do not offer refunds for crew members. Cast members are eligible for a 50% refund (minus a $45 processing fee) if they give notice of their intent to withdraw, at least, 24 hours prior to the start of auditions. Participants must contact us prior to the stated deadline to receive the refund offer. Participants who choose to withdraw from the production after 5pm the day before auditions or anytime that follows, for whatever reason, will not be eligible for any kind of refund. 



Production Protocols:
At least, one member of the OCCT Board of Directors will be present at all OCCT events to assist: participants, parents, volunteers and the artistic staff. Once the initial check in period of an activity has concluded the director, should the director also be a member of the OCCT Board of Directors, is not be considered the liaison. All questions, comments and concerns should be addressed to the OCCT staff liaison (production administrator). That individual will answer and resolve all matters brought forward or make a note to pass on to the director and/ or Board of Directors. 

  • Closed Rehearsals: Non-Cast members are not permitted to sit in on rehearsals. Parents who don't want to drop off and come back for pick-up are welcome to stay and hang out in a designated area (the dinning hall at the grange) for the duration of rehearsal. Many performer's, especially novice onces are easily distracted when their parents/ siblings/ friends etc. are watching during the early production stages of the process. 

  • Illness/ COVID19: Participants who become ill during the initial rehearsal phases of production need to be kept home until they've asymptomatic for a minimum of 48 hours without the use of OTC (over the counter) medications. Following recovery the artistic staff will bring them up to speed either during a scheduled rehearsal or make arrangements to work on a non-rehearsal day. In the event a participant misses a choreography rehearsal it will be left up to the production's choreographer to determine if the performer can be worked back into the number or not. In the circumstance it's possible it will be up to the participant to learn the choreography on their own time using the online resources, videos and ask specific questions on moves they're struggling with. The participant will need to be solid on their movements and knowledge of the number to perform it with the other participants. 

    • Pre-Tech through Performances: This protocol is in place to keep the cast and all other individuals working on the production, as a whole safe in the circumstance anyone comes down with an illness once we hit our pre-technical rehearsals and performance phase of the production. We are following CDC Guidelines and RegulationsIf you're exhibiting any of these symptoms but not limited to101+ fever, chills, sore throat, shortness of breath, vomiting or diarrhea, please refer to one of the two options below. 

      • Individuals with a Negative COVID19 Test Result can return to the production site once they are symptom free without the use of OTC (over the counter) medications, for a minimum of 48 hours. 

      • Individuals Not Tested and/ or with a Positive Test Result can return to the production site after 7 days from onset of symptoms under the circumstance they are symptom free without the use of OTC (over the counter) medication for a minimum of 48 hours prior to Day 7. Individuals will need to wear an N95 mask for the next 7 days following their return to the production site. (Mask not provided by OCCT). 

Following their recovery, regardless of a test result or lack there of, the participant and their parent/ guardians must speak with the director of the current production to be deemed "performance capable/ ready". Depending on the amount of rehearsal missed the performer may require additional rehearsals before they will be approved to perform during any given performance. The director reserves the right to decide if a performer's health, following the illness, is up to the physical, mental and emotional demand of performing in front of a live audience. 

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