2025 Season
About CAST
OCCT's audition process is very informal to encourage novice and/ or aspiring performers to experience theatre by removing the two scariest elements: auditioning alone and rejection. The audition process becomes a tool to determine which roles are best suited to each performer registered rather than an elimination process. This is not an open audition; Registration is required in order to audition. AUDITION PREP - About 1-2 weeks prior to the audition all registered participants will be sent the link to the online production drive to review the audition materials. Audition prep is completely optional, but always encouraged. Materials typically include: a breakdown of the roles, character descriptions, some of the sides (lines) that performer's will be asked to deliver during the audition, and in the case of musicals some vocal track options and a choreography tutorial. Participants can opt out of singing and dancing, but they will not be considered for a featured role. THE AUDITION - All cast members audition in one large room. Everyone is given the opportunity to introduce themselves and sing, in the case of a musical, before transitioning into the reading portion of auditions. During readings everyone is given the opportunity to read for any character, within their height and/ or age group, for the casting team. CASTING - casting becomes an accumulation of each performers: readings, vocals, dance skill, physicality etc. presented during the audition. Oftentimes "Uncontrollables" can also play a factor in the final casting decisions ie. age, height, size, race and the other auditioners. The elements a performer doesn't have control over. When a performer has the heart set on one role in particular, but gets cast as another this can be disheartening. We encourage all of our participants to see each role as an opportunity to continue learning and growing. Any role, lead or otherwise can steal a show with hard work and dedication. It's about making every moment count, quality over quantity!
About CREW │ Ages 11+
Crew members are the unsung heroes of any stage production! Without them performers would be singing accapella, without a microphone in the dark... The crew's participation is much shorter lived as they come in only 1-2 weeks prior to opening night. The production process up to that point is spent with the cast learning and rehearsing the show, building the set, constructing costumes and props etc. It's not until we hit tech-week that the crew member's come into play. It's at this point when the set is constructed, the tech equiptment is loaded in and the show is ready to add those finishing elements that make the show... well a show! There are a few different positions on the crew: STAGE/ RUNNING CREW - Are the one's working backstage behind the scenes working on set and prop movement working more directly with the cast. TECH CREW - Are the operators of the light board, sound board, microphone board and spotlights. There are typically 1-2 operators per board. STAGE MANAGER - Is the member of the crew who is at nearly, if not, all of the rehearsals from the beginning of production whereas the rest of the crew come in about a month before the show opens. Once the rest of the crew joins production it is the s SM's job to call the show aka. cue the tech crew when to take their cues! It's a very important job.